Weekly Mowing
We provide lawn mowing service on the same day every week or when needed.
We trim around all landscape features and blow turf clippings off sidewalks,
driveways, parking lots and out from under any landscape features. We use high
quality commercial lawn equipment and sharpen our mower blades daily to
provide the best possible look for your property. Every week you will see the
same crew of seasoned professionals working on your property.
Spring and Fall Cleanups
We will completely clean up the leaves and debris from your property and haul
away. All landscape features will be blown clean and the turf will be cut to an
even height. Spring cleanups include dethatching the turf to remove any dead
grass and provide a manicured look to your lawn.
Fertilizer and Weed Control Programs
Our company is licensed through the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to
apply fertilizer and herbicide to residential and commercial properties. Also, the
individual that is applying the product to your property has a commercial
applicators license which is also required by the State of Minnesota. All Service
Lawn & Landscape, Inc. uses only dry granular fertilizers. We apply crabgrass
pre-emergent in the spring and broad leaf control throughout the growing
season to provide you a great looking lawn all season long.
Core aeration is one of the best thing you can do for an established lawn. Small
plugs of turf are removed from the ground to help nutrients and water better
access to the root system of your lawn. The plugs are disbursed onto the top of
your lawn and break down back into your soil within a few days. We recommend
this service once a year for established lawns.
Trimming and Pruning
We will shape and prune your shrubs and bushes correctly and at the right time
of the year to provide you with great looking and healthy shrubs. We then do a
thorough cleanup of the area and haul away all the debris and clippings.
Sidewalk and Curb Edging
Edging of sidewalks and curbs creates a clean and detailed look that will set
your property apart. This service is done on a monthly basis throughout the
growing season to maintain that detailed look.
Landscape Services
We deliver and install all types of landscape materials. Look through the
following list to find the service or landscape material samples to help you make
the right choice for your property.
Black dirt
Several sizes, shapes and colors of landscape rock
Several different types of landscape edging
Several different types and colors of landscape mulch
Sod repair and installation
Slit seeding and over seeding to repair turf damage
Installation of shrubs and trees
Installation of paver sidewalks and driveways